Results of a quick scan survey by CLIMMAR on the COVID-19 situation amongst European dealers, show that 80% of the participants is affected. Especially sales of new machinery are affected. Looking forward, 70% of the participants foresees a significant turnover and order book decrease in the next two months.
In total, no less than 660 dealerships from 14 different countries responded to the survey. This gives a good indication of the effects and impact of the COVID-19 crisis on their businesses. The survey shows that the effects of the COVID-19 crisis are strongly felt by dealer companies and distributors in the European agricultural machinery and equipment sector. Around 80% of the respondents experiences “limited” to “a lot” consequences. The main “pain” is felt in the sales department of dealer companies with sales of new machines stagnating in particular. The sale of used machinery has also been affected significantly, but less than the sales of new machines.
CLIMMAR Survey results: 80% of European dealers experience impact from COVID-19