With the John Deere 8330, WIKING has set in motion one of the most powerful tractors ever recorded in the chronology of agricultural tractors. The John Deere 8330 soared to the top spot among WIKING’s agricultural machines immediately upon the conception of this series on account of the futuristic, yet functional design of this heavy-duty tractor. This design is marked by the distinctly drawn-down bonnet, which is paired with a cab that provides a view of the ergonomically shaped driver’s seat and the operating interface that is arranged all around. Optimum level of detailing which mimics the original vehicles, but, above all, the detailed engravings as well as the structural design of the interior give the model the functional appearance that echoes the original.
Product details
Chassis with engine block and bonnet as well as front/rear hydraulics and rear fender internal parts in green. Front upper parts of fenders, rear lower parts of fenders, and exhaust unit matt black. Transparent cab with black border printed on side. Upper part of roof green. Cab front frame with extra headlamps imprinted silver and orange. Wheels yellow. Radiator grill inserted in the front, black with two-colour logo imprint. Rear-view mirror black, GPS receiver in the middle of the roof yellow. Transparent front headlamps, orange transparent tail lights. Model designation 8330″ and “John Deere” lettering in black/yellow printed on side.” The price of the 1:87 scale model from https://www.wiking.de/en/shop/new/january/john-deere-8330.html shop is €19.99 excluding postage costs.